
People / Faculty


Yang, Hanfang







Research Interest

Data science; Machine Learning; Mathematical Statistics




工业互联网创新发展工程,AIdustry 工业互联网平台试验测试项目-高校合作课题,2018-2021;






国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(11501567), 二元分类评估方法——pAUC及拓展, 2016-2018;










First Author: 

10. Yang, H., Lu, K., Lv, X. and Hu, F. (2019), Two-Way Partial AUC and Its Properties, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28, 184-195. 

9. Yang, H. and Zhao, Y. (2018), Smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood for the one-sample difference of quantiles, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 120, 58-69. 

8. Yang, H. and Zhao, Y. (2017),Smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood for the difference of two quantiles, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 69, 1059–1073. 

7. Yang, H., Lu, K. and Zhao, Y. (2017), A nonparametric approach for partial areas under ROC curves and ordinal dominance curves, Statistica Sinica, 27, 357-371. 

6. Yang, H., Liu, S. and Zhao, Y. (2016), Jackknife empirical likelihood for linear transformation models with right censoring, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 68, 1095–1109. 

5. Yang, H. and Zhao, Y. (2015). Smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood inference for ROC curves with missing data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 140, 123–138. 

4. Yang, H., Yau, C. and Zhao, Y. (2014). Smoothed empirical likelihood inference for the difference of two quantiles with right censoring. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 146, 95–101 

3. Yang, H. and Zhao, Y. (2013). Jackknife empirical likelihood for the difference of ROC curve, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 115, 270–284. 

2. Yang, H. and Zhao, Y. (2012). Smoothed empirical likelihood for ROC curves with censored data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 109, 254-263. 

1. Yang, H. and Zhao, Y. (2012). New empirical likelihood inference for transformation model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(7), 1659-1668. 

Corresponding Author: 

16. Yang, H(2023), Decision Tree for Locally Private Estimation with Public Data, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (with Ma, Y., Zhang, H. and Cai, Y.)

15. Yang, H(2023), Extrapolated random tree for regression, International Conference on Machine Learning, (with Cai, Y., Ma, Y. and Dong, Y.)

14. Yang, H. (2022), Allies or rivals? Spatial price competition in the Chinese retail gasoline market of inner Mongolia, Spatial Economic Analysis,  (with Yu, Y., Cui, J. and Huang, C.)

13. Yang, H. (2022), Under-bagging Nearest Neighbors for Imbalanced Classification, Journal of Machine Learning Research23(118):1−63. (with Hang, H., Cai, Y. and Lin, Z.)

12. Yang, H. (2022), MTRec: Multi-Task Learning over BERT for News Recommendation, Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (with Bi, Qiwei and etc.) 

11. Yang, H. (2022), Exploring Coarse-grained Pre-guided Attention to Assist Fine-grained Attention Reinforcement Learning Agents, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. (with Liu, H., Liu, Y. and He, H.).

10.Yang, H. (2022), A varying-coefficient regression approach to modeling the effects of wind speed on the dispersion of pollutants, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 29, pages433–452. (with He, K. Wang, Y. and Su, W.) 

9. Yang, H. (2022), Linguistic Specificity and Stock Price Synchronicity, China Journal of Accounting Research, (with Zhao, W. and Zhou, H.). 

8. Yang, H. (2021), Boosting Few-Shot Abstractive Summarization with Auxiliary Tasks, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (with Bi, Q. and Li, H. ) 

7. Yang, H. (2021), Enhancement of Flood Inundation Mapping by Fusing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Deep Learning Algorithms: Demonstration of Benchmark Sen1Floods11 Datasets, Remote Sensing, (with Bai, Y., Wu, W. and etc.) 

6. Yang, H. (2021), Augmented Abstractive Summarization with Document-Level Semantic Graph, Journal of Data Science, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 450–464. (with Bi, Q., Li, H. and Lu, K.) 

5. Yang, H. (2021), Large Scale GPS Trajectory Generation Using Map Based on Two Stage GAN, Journal of Data Science, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 126–141. (with Wang, X., Liu, X. and Lu, Z.)

4. Yang, H. (2020), Boosted Histogram Transform for Regression, International Conference on Machine Learning, (with Cai, Y., Hang, H. and Lin, Z.) 

3. Yang, H. (2020), Jackknife empirical likelihood inference for the Pietra ratio, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 91-101. (with Zhao, Y.) 

2. Yang, H. (2018), Jackknife empirical likelihood for the skewness and kurtosis,Statistics and Its Interface, 11, 709-719.(with Zhao, Y., Anna Moss and Yan Zhang) 

1. Yang, H. (2015), Jackknife empirical likelihood inference for the mean absolute deviation, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 91, 92-101. (with Zhao, Y. and Meng, X.) 


2、基于即时预测方法的中间投入估算,统计研究,  2022年06期。 

1、中国输入性金融风险:测算、影响因素与来源,数量经济技术经济研究, 2020年07期。 


9、市场会奖励数字化转型的“行胜于言”吗? 南开管理评论,已接收。

8、Dynamics of the gas retail market under China's price cap regulation,Energy Policy,174,2023.



5、Nightlights as a Proxy of Economic Indicators: Fine-Grained GDP Inference Around Mainland China via Attention-Augmented CNN from Daytime Satellite Imagery, Remote Sensing, 2021. 


3、Technical solution discussion for key challenges of operational convolutional neural network-based building-damage assessment from satellite imagery: Perspective from benchmark XBD dataset,Remote Sensing, 12, 2020. 

2、Evaluation of driving risk at different speeds, Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 88, 108-119,2019. 


Sofeware: 1. R package: tpAUC