
People / Faculty


Zhou, Jing


Associate Professor





Education Experience

2012-2016, PhD Peking University 2008-2012, B.S. Central University of Finance and Economics

Work Experience

2020-present, Associate Professor,Renmin University of China 2016-2020, Assistant Professor, Renmin University of China


1. The 60th Batch of General Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Project Title: Research on Complex Network Data Modeling and Efficient Calculation Methods,Host, 2016-2018 2. New Teachers` Initiative Foundation Project of Renmin University of China, Project Title: Research on Network Data Analysis and Related Modeling,Host, 2017-2018 3. Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project Title: Originality or Reposting?UGC Motivation Research from the Perspective of Social Networks,Host, 2018-2020 4. Youth Project of Beijing Social Science Foundation, Project Title: Research on the Business Model of Emerging Cultural Industries in the Background of Artificial Intelligence: Taking the Live Broadcasting Platform as an Example,Host, 2020-2022 5. Key Project in National Statistics Science of National Bureau of Statistics of China,Project Title: Research on Deep Learning Algorithms Based on Network Structure Data,Host, 2020-2022 6. General Project of Renmin University of China Science Foundation, Project Title: Research on Deep Learning Optimization Algorithms from a Statistical Perspective,Host, 2021-2023


Statistics, Undergraduates, 2017-2020 Advanced Statistics, Postgraduates in Non-Statistical Majors,2017-2019 Statistical Software Application, Undergraduates, 2018-present Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Postgraduates, 2020-present Deep Learning, Undergraduates, 2020-present Applied Business Analysis, Undergraduates(Honorary Minor Degree), 2020-present

Research Interest

Social Network, Spatial Model, Network Sampling, Mobile Network Marketing, Big Data Calculation, Text Analysis, Deep Learning, Model Compressing


1、Zhou, J., Liu, J*., Wang, F., and Wang, H., (2020), "Autoregressive Model With Spatial Dependence and Missing Data", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, online first, https://doi.org/10.1080/07350015.2020.1766471. 2、Zhou, J., Li, D*, Pan,R., and Wang, H., (2020), "Network GARCH Model", Statistica Sinica, 30 (4) 3、Zhou, J., Zhou, J.*, Ding, Y. and Wang, H. (2019), “The Magic of Danmaku: A Social Interaction Perspective in the Motivation of Gift Sending on Live Streaming Platforms”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 34, 100815 4、Zhou, J., Huang,D.*, and Wang, H., (2018), “A note on estimating spatial autocorrelation in a discrete choice model”, Statistics and Its Interface, 11(3), 433-439. 5、Huang, D., Guan, G.*, Zhou, J., Wang, H. (2018) Network-based Naive Bayes Model for Social Network. Science China Mathematics, 61(4), 627-640. 6、Huang, D., Zhou, J.*, and Wang, H., (2018), “RFMS method for credit scoring based on bank card transaction data”, Statistica Sinica, 28(4), 2903-2919. 7、Zhou, J., Tu,Y., Chen, Y., and Wang, H., (2017). “Estimating Spatial Autocorrelation with Sampled Network Data”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 35(1), 130~138. 8、Zhou J., Huang D.*, and Wang, H. (2017), “A Dynamic Logistic Regression for Network Link Prediction”, Science China Mathematics, 60(1), 165-176.
