Intraday Serial Correlation,Volatility and Jump: Evidence from China
2019.06.06Bo Zhang, Tao Bi
In this article, we investigate the relationships among intraday serial correlation, jump-robust volatility, positive and negative jumps based on Shanghai composite index high frequency data. We implement variance ratio test to quantify intraday serial correlation. We also measure the continuous part of realized volatility using jump-robust MedRV estimator and disentangle positive and negative jumps using Realized Downside Risk Measure and Realized Upside Potential Measure proposed by Bi et al., (2013). We find that intraday serial correlation are positively correlated with jump-robust volatility and negatively correlated with negative jumps which confirm the LeBaron effect.
intraday serial correlation, jump, jump-robust volatility, variance ratio test, 62G32, 62M10, 65C20