Research / 2017


An Effective Method to Reduce the Computational Complexity of Composite Quantile Regression


Yanke Wu, Maozai Tian


In this article, we aim to reduce the computational complexity of the recently proposed composite quantile regression (CQR). We propose a new regression method called infinitely composite quantile regression (ICQR) to avoid the determination of the number of uniform quantile positions. Unlike the composite quantile regression, our proposed ICQR method allows combining continuous and infinite quantile positions. We show that the proposed ICQR criterion can be readily transformed into a linear programming problem. Furthermore, the computing time of the ICQR estimate is far less than that of the CQR, though it is slightly larger than that of the quantile regression. The oracle properties of the penalized ICQR are also provided. The simulations are conducted to compare different estimators. A real data analysis is used to illustrate the performance.


quantile regression, composite quantile regression, computational complexity, linear programming, dual problem