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职 称: 讲师

职 务: 无

电子邮箱: liuyue_stats@ruc.edu.cn


2014-2019,统计学博士, 数学科学学院,北京大学 

2010-2014,理科学士,数学科学学院 ,北京大学


2019.7 –2021.8 高级工程师,诺亚方舟实验室 AI理论组 华为 

2021.9 –至今 讲师,统计学院,中国人民大学


中国人民大学杰出青年学者B岗 (2021-至今)


贝叶斯网络, 因果推断, 可信机器学习, 不确定性人工智能


1. Geng, Z., Liu, Y., Liu, C. C. and Miao, W. (2019) Evaluation of causal effects and local structure learning of causal networks. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 6(ARSIA), 103-124. 

2. Liu, Y., Zheng, C, Liu, C. C and Geng, Z (2019) Local Learning Approaches for Finding Effects of a Specified Cause and Their Causal Paths. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST). 10, 49:1-49:15 

3. Liu, Y., Fang, Z., He, Y.., Geng, Z. and Liu, C. (2020) Local causal network learning for finding pairs of total and direct effects. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 

4. Fang, Z., Liu, Y. , Geng, Z. , Zhu, S. ,He, Y. Local Method for Identifying Causal Relations under Markov Equivalence. Artificial Intelligence(AI) to appear


1. Liu, Y., Fang, Z. , He, Y. and Geng, Z. (2020) Collapsible IDA: Collapsing Parental Sets for Locally Estimating Possible Causal Effects. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI). 

2. Gu,T#., Kuang,K., Li,J., Zhu,H., Dong,Z., Hu, W., He,X. ,Li, Z. and Liu,Y.*(2021) Group Stratified Prediction Model: A Counterfactual Learning Method for True Post-Click Conversion Estimation. ADKDD # supervised student, * corresponding author