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20200930吴奔:Distributional Independent Component Analysis for Diverse Neuroimaging Modalities

报告时间:2020年9月30 日(周三)14:00



报告主题:Distributional Independent Component Analysis for Diverse Neuroimaging Modalities


Recent advances in neuroimaging technologies have provided opportunities to acquire brain images of different modalities for studying human brain organization from both functional and structural perspectives. Analysis of images derived from various modalities involves some common goals such as dimension reduction, denoising, and feature extraction. However, since these modalities have vastly different data characteristics, the current analysis is usually performed using distinct analytical tools that are only suitable for a specific imaging modality. In this paper, we present a Distributional Independent Component Analysis (DICA) that represents a new approach that performs decomposition on the distribution level, providing a unified framework for extracting features across imaging modalities with different scales and representations. When applying DICA to fMRI images, we successfully recover well-established brain functional networks in neuroscience literature, providing empirical validation that DICA delivers neurologically relevant findings. More importantly, we discover several structural network components when applying DICA to DTI images. Through fiber tracking, we find these DICA-derived structural components correspond to several major white fiber bundles. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time these fiber bundles are successfully identified via blind source separation on single subject DTI images. We also evaluate the performance of DICA as compared with classical ICA methods through extensive simulation studies.




黄丹阳,中国人民大学统计学院副教授,中国人民大学杰出青年学者,北京大数据协会副秘书长,常务理事,青年统计学家协会理事,曾获北京市优秀人才培养资助。研究兴趣为超高维数据分析,复杂网络数据分析,互联网征信数据分析等。研究论文发表于在Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,Electronic Journal of Statistics, Statistica Sinica以及管理世界,统计研究等国内外权威杂志。在互联网征信领域具有丰富的实践及研究经验,主持多项相关纵向科研课题。