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20170328 Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case









Measuring Global Flow of Funds:

Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case


    This study measures the Global Flow of Funds (GFF). Based on the statistical framework for measuring GFF under the System of National Accounts (SNA), the study identifies the systematic relationship of financial linkages among economic sectors and with the rest of the world while integrating data sources. It sets out the GFF’s concept, constructs a GFF matrix (metadata) on a from-whom-to-whom basis within a “country by country” pattern, discusses existing data sources, and integrates data sources for measuring GFF, namely, data from the International Investment Position (IIP), the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS), the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS), Consolidated Banking Statistics (CBS), and “rest-of-the-world” account of national accounts. Furthermore, a country case illustrates how the GFF matrix was compiled. Lastly, the established China’s GFF matrix table is used to conduct empirical analysis. The main outcome is a prototype GFF template that includes stock data geographically broken down by country/region and selected financial instrument.