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20180519 统计大讲堂第四十三讲

时间:5月19日(周六),上午9:00 – 12:00


报告1:Stochastic Distortion and its Transformed Copula


报告摘要:Motivated by wide applications of distortion functions and copulas in insurance and finance, we generalize the notion of a deterministic distortion function to a stochastic distortion, i.e., a random process, and employ the defined stochastic distortion to construct a so-called transformed copula by stochastic distortions. One method for constructing stochastic distortions is provided with a focus on using time-changed processes. After giving some families of the transformed copulas by stochastic distortions, a particular class of transformed copulas is applied to a portfolio credit risk model, where a numeric study shows the advantage of using the transformed copulas over the conventional Gaussian copula and the double t copula in terms of the fitting accuracy and the ability of catching tail dependence. It is a joint work with Feng Lin, Liang Peng and Jiehua Xie.

报告2:New Progress in Machine Learning and Actuarial Modeling


报告摘要:In this talk, I provide a brief review of machine learning in actuarial predictive modeling. In particular, I illustrate neural networks with two examples, and make a comparison with the usual linear regression models in the first example. Further research can be done to discuss applications of neural networks in classification. One key technique in neural networks is the gradient descent method. A related method is Newton’s method. I provide a brief comparison from the definition, which may be helpful for the beginners.

报告3:Big Data, AI and Statistical Thinking


报告摘要:If big data is the “ocean”, then statistics must be one of its main streams. Statistics have produced many important scientific discoveries in the historical process of human’s inquiry into the uncertainties of the world. As the wave of big data surges, reviewing the history of statistical development, drawing wise statistical thinking and using these thoughts to question big data and artificial intelligence, may help (p <0.05) statisticians better grasp the future direction in the big data ocean.

报告4:Optimal Insurance Contracts with Background Risk and Higher-order Risk Attitudes


报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss an optimal insurance problem in the presence of background risk from the perspective of an insured with higher-order risk attitudes. We introduce several useful dependence notions to model positive dependence structures between the insurable risk and background risk. Under these dependence structures, we compare insurance contracts of different forms in higher-order risk attitudes and establish the optimality of stop-loss insurance form. We also explicitly derive the optimal retention level. Finally, we carry out a comparative analysis and investigate how the change in the insured’s initial wealth or background risk affects the optimal retention level. This is a joint work with Wei Wei.