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我院教授张景肖及学生钟柔就非高斯函数型数据的主成分分析在《J MULTIVARIATE ANAL》发表论文

   我院教授张景肖及学生钟柔在《Journal of Multivariate Analysis》发表论文。该研究主要针对非高斯函数型数据/纵向数据,提出一种新的主成分分析方法。以往文献中采用的基于协方差函数进行主成分分析的方法,都隐含着对数据的正态假设,而当数据偏离高斯分布时,这类方法得到的估计结果并不理想。基于此问题,本文提出了一种Kendall’s tau函数,其估计受分布的影响较小,我们利用该函数来代替协方差函数进行主成分分析,并从理论上证明了该函数与协方差函数具有相同的特征空间。另一方面,为了能够应对观测较为稀疏的函数型数据或纵向数据,本文的估计采用了局部线性估计的方法,我们也进一步证明了所得估计的相合性。本文所提方法为函数型数据的主成分分析问题提供了新的思路。


   Robust functional principal component analysis for non-Gaussian longitudinal data


   Functional principal component analysis is essential in functional data analysis, but the inference will become unconvincing when non-Gaussian characteristics occur (e.g., heavy tail and skewness). The focus of this manuscript is to develop a robust functional principal component analysis methodology to deal with non-Gaussian longitudinal data, where sparsity and irregularity along with non-negligible measurement errors must be considered. We introduce a Kendall`s tau  function to handle the non-Gaussian issues. Moreover, the estimation algorithm is studied and the asymptotic theory is discussed. Our method is validated by a simulation study and it is applied to analyze a real world dataset.



