Title and summaries of recent scientific articles of Professor Helmut Maier
欢迎师生与德国柏林经济学院前副校长、里昂惕夫研究所所长Helmut Maier教授交流
中国教育部-德国教育部国际合作研究交流项目德国柏林经济学院前副校长、里昂惕夫研究所所长Helmut Maier教授访问中国人民大学统计学院,访问时间是2012年3月1日-4月30日,欢迎相关老师和研究生等与他交流讨论。
下面是我们请Helmut Maier教授总结的最新研究,包括研究题目和论文内容简介。
1) Nature’s economic and financial order and the natural solution of poverty (64 slides)
2) The formidability of biological self-production (40 slides)
3) New indicators to measure economic efficiency, wealth and poverty on base of
Natural Economics (28 slides)
4) The two faces of social indicators and the natural solution of poverty (34 slides)
5) Why the sun is shining? Economic speculations about future an origin of life on earth (40 slides)
6) Remarks on statistics in finance and economics (status 2009, 72 slides)
7) Detecting the financial order of the real world and its impact on banking and finance, Short course within European Erasmus program (8 lecture hours)
First part (up to 104 slides): Detecting the financial order of the real world
Second part (58 slides): Impact on banking and finance
8) Measurement and evaluation of real social burden of donor states providing Euro emergency fund (28 slides) and others
1) The banking crisis reflected in the financial order of the real world, Ekonometria 27, Economic University Wroclaw/Poland 2009, ISSN 1899-3192, p. 141-153.
Summary: The article reflects the present banking and financial crisis on basis of latest research results about the existence of superior economic and financial order acting within the real world (equal natural world) where energy is only accepted means of payment. Decisive message is: Issuing human money being only a copy of energy with nearly full lack of real value needs coverage in the natural equivalent of money which means coverage in energy of human beings and/or assets including energy of different creatures. Due to superficial control of banks with loans and new investment forms since the 1980th which enabled banks to shift well-known risks in a legal way to customers worldwide in the past, this coverage was only assumed and believed in human society but missing in reality and caused a reaction of the superior natural order to find a balance in real terms. The author shows that China is also involved in this crisis. He concludes public authorities and measures of governments to tailor new lawsuits for banking sector must consider the rules and constraints of this natural financial order the knowledge of which is to be enlarged urgently.
Key words: Banking Crisis, Financial Policy, Natural Economics
2) Measurement and evaluation of real social burden of donor states providing Euro emergency fund, Paper presented at IV Spanish Conference on Input Output Analysis, Strategic sectors for a new economy, Madrid 28-30 September 2011, Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Oekonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin 2011.
Summary: On base of latest research about financial order of the real world the article provides a measuring concept how to estimate social burden of economic activities and financial transactions. Taking the two amounts of 500 and 750 billion Euros of Euro emergency fund, in a scenario using statistical data of Germany of year 2009 he substantiates an appreciable social burden on the indicators birth- and net reproduction rate on the donor states without quantifying this effect explicitly.
Key words: Euro Crisis, Financial Policy, Natural Economics
3) Will a natural scientific determined economic theory replace neoclassic theory? A consideration on the occasion of the nuclear reactor catastrophe of Fukushima (Wird eine naturwissenschaftlich bestimmte Oekonomie die neoklassische Theorie ersetzen? Eine Betrachtung anlaesslich der Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima), Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Oekonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin 2011.
Summary: On the background of catastrophe of Fukushima in March 2011 and based on latest research about economic order within the natural system, the article designs German philosopher Hegel’s overall picture of production in the natural as well as human world. Its consistency asks for absorption of new elements by neoclassic theory which at least are the observance of the dual construction of markets and energy as absolute reference of human money, the latter producible via a coverage of human money in energy units which includes the observance of the principle of energy return on investment of bio-physical economics.
Key words: Nuclear power, Neoclassic Theory, Bio-physical Economy, Philosophy of Economics
4) Nature’s economic and financial order and the natural solution of poverty, Paper presented on occasion of 58th World Statistics Congress of International Statistical Institute, Dublin/Ireland, August 2011, Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Oekonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin 2011.
Summary: Based on latest research about economic order within the natural system, the article designs German philosopher Hegel’s overall picture of production in the natural as well as human world which is confirmed by statistical data of World Bank. It derives from it the natural solution of global poverty phenomenon which appears as global migrations (from developing to developed countries) and the demographic change (in developed countries) because people in developed and wealthy countries (in opposite to people in developing countries) neglect the top aim within the natural order which is “conservation of life” and spent their natural money “energy” mostly for different aims.
Key words: Poverty, Philosophy of Economics, Natural Economics
5) Algebraic decomposition of Gaussian sum of squared differences for use in education on university and secondary school (Algebraische Zerlegung der Gaussschen Summe der Abweichungsquadrate fuer den Unterricht an Hochschule und Gymnasium), Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Oekonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin 2011.
Summary: The article addresses teachers of statistics. It provides the proof of a decomposition formula which is background for the graphical solution by visual judgment in the simple case of two variables. Since year 2000 this formula is included in German pocket book of statistics.
Key words: Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Education
6) Direct determination of Maximum-Likelihood estimators for expectation value and variance by algebraic decomposition of Fisher’s likelihood function (Direkte Bestimmung der Maximum-Likelihood Schaetzungen fuer Erwartungswert und Varianz durch algebraische Zerlegung der Fisherschen Likelihoodfunktion, Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Oekonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin 2011.
Summary: The article addresses teachers of statistics. It provides the proof for a decomposition formula of Fisher’s likelihood function in case of normal distribution with the effect/advantage that the estimators for expectation value and variance for the concerned random variable are directly readable from this formula.
Key words: Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Education
7) Why the sun is shining? Economic speculations about future and origin of life on earth (Warum scheint die Sonne? Oekonomische Mutmassungen ueber Herkunft und Zukunft irdischen Lebens), Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Oekonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin 2011.
Summary: Based on latest status of research of economic order in the real world, the article presents an economic interpretation of Einstein’s equation; it is identified as prize equation which indicates a return reachable by creatures if they can pay its cost. Using Leontief”s input/output approach, the article substantiates the speculations: (1) The necessity for creatures to get this prize in a far future in billions of years, in order to escape from an exploited earth, (2) A finance prospect how creatures might escape from earth to a different planet, (2) An imagination of how this flight from earth might happen, and (4) where life on earth might have come from.
Key words: Future’s Research
8) Introduction to Nature’s economic and financial system, Features, Impact on Human society and politics (English and Chinese version), http://www.bookcj.com, ISBN 978-7-81138-854-1, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press, Chengdu 2010; Chinese version included in: Financial Regime Reforms in the World: Empirical and Theoretical Study by ZHAO, Yanyun et al., Beijing 2010, ISBN 978-7-80250-199-7/F . 314 (available with Professor Zhao, School of Statistics Renmin University Beijing/China); German version via internet URL:[http://www.econbiz.de/archiv1/2010/119701_wirtschaftsordnung_finanzordnung_welt.pdf].
Summary: Profound substantiation of economic and financial order within real world with energy as means of payment; including an economic, a sociological, and a political part.