Journal of Data Science第21卷第2期已正式上线,本期论文如下:
Editorial: Symposium on Data Science and Statistics 2022
作者:Claire McKay Bowen、Michael J. Grosskopf
Active Data Science for Improving Clinical Risk Prediction
作者:Donna P. Ankerst、Matthias Neumair
Exploring Rural Shrink Smart Through Guided Discovery Dashboards
作者:Denise Bradford、Susan VanderPlas
Binary Classification of Malignant Mesothelioma: A Comparative Study
作者:Ted Si Yuan Cheng、Xiyue Liao
Identifying Drone Web Sites in Multiple Countries and Languages with a Single Model
作者:Piet Daas、Blanca de Miguel、Maria de Miguel
Creating a Census County Assessment Tool for Visualizing Census Data
作者:Isabel Youngs、Ronald Prevost、Christopher Dick
Causal Discovery for Observational Sciences Using Supervised Machine Learning
作者:Anne Helby Petersen、Joseph Ramsey、Claus Thorn Ekstrøm、Peter Spirtes
‘You Draw It’: Implementation of Visually Fitted Trends with r2d3
作者:Emily A. Robinson、Reka Howard、Susan VanderPlas
Computing Pseudolikelihood Estimators for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
作者:Christian S. Schmid、David R. Hunter
Assessment of Projection Pursuit Index for Classifying High Dimension Low Sample Size Data in R
作者:Zhaoxing Wu、Chunming Zhang
An Assessment of Crop-Specific Land Cover Predictions Using High-Order Markov Chains and Deep Neural Networks✩
作者:Luca Sartore、Claire Boryan、Andrew Dau、Patrick Willis
FROSTY: A High-Dimensional Scale-Free Bayesian Network Learning Method
作者:Joshua Bang、Sang-Yun Oh
Comparing Extreme Value Estimation Techniques for Short-Term Snow Accumulations
作者:Kenneth Pomeyie、Brennan Bean、Yan Sun
Random Forest of Interaction Trees for Estimating Individualized Treatment Regimes with Ordered Treatment Levels in Observational Studies
作者:Justin Thorp、Richard A. Levine、Luo Li、Juanjuan Fan
Building a Foundation for More Flexible A/B Testing: Applications of Interim Monitoring to Large Scale Dat
作者:Wenru Zhou、Miranda Kroehl、Maxene Meier、Alexander Kaizer
Teaching Visual Accessibility in Introductory Data Science Classes with Multi-Modal Data Representations
作者:JooYoung Seo、Mine Dogucu
Journal of Data Science创刊于2003年。创刊主编为台湾中研院赵民德博士和台湾辅仁大学谢邦昌博士。本刊历年来发表的研究成果涉及领域广泛,始 终致力于推动数据科学方法在各领域的应用。从2019年起,主办权由中国人民大学统计学院和教育部人文社科重点研究基地应用统计科学研究中心承担。为进一步提高学术期刊办刊水平,涵养学术品牌,作为中国人民大学于2019年启动“学术期刊质量提升计划(2019-2021)”重点资助期刊之一,Journal of Data Science酝酿了多方位的改革与提升。自2020年7月起,由美国康涅狄格大学统计学系教授闫军博士担任主编。
目前Journal of Data Science期刊全新网站已经上线,以方便关心数据科学发展的各界人士跟进学术新动态。点击文末阅读原文即可查看本期内容。